5 Ways To Keep Your Gut Clean And Healthy

Incorporate intermittent fasting

Cycling between eating and fasting phases is known as intermittent fasting. Because intermittent fasting gives the stomach time to regenerate and rest, it can help to maintain gut health.

Practice food combining

Combining foods in a way that maximises nutrient absorption and digestion is known as food combining. Certain meal pairings can improve digestion and reduce gastrointestinal pain.

Chew your food thoroughly

Chewing food thoroughly aids in the mechanical breakdown of food particles and stimulates saliva production, which contains enzymes that initiate the digestion process.

Include bitter foods in your diet

Foods that are bitter encourage the formation of digestive juices, such as bile and stomach acid, which help break down and digest food.

Practice abdominal massage

By massaging your abdomen, you can encourage bowel regularity, ease gas and bloating, and aid in digestion.